
Daily Monitoring, Medicating and Health and Welfare

When you check your pet in with us, please tell us exactly how much, how often and what exactly any medication is for or use alternatively enter the information into your online account. Our staff are more than happy to accommodate this. If easier, please feel free to bring a written list of what medications need to be administered when. 

We are happy to administer medication including injections. Please ring up before booking to ensure that we are aware that someone will need to inject your pet through the whole stay. 

Should your pet need to visit the vet while you are away, we will first make contact with you and then arrange to see our local vet. If it is an emergency and we cannot make contact with you, we will take your pet to the vet and continue to try and make contact with you. 

There is a transport charge for this. 

The vet will provide us with a receipt, and the bill can be settled when you come to collect your animal. 

All staff regularly monitor your animal's health by doing daily health checks. Your pet's eyes, nose, ears and mouth will be checked daily to ensure they are clean and happy. 

If we find your pet has a runny nose, gunky eyes or anything else that may be abnormal for that animal, we will call you to let you know if it is serious. If it is not serious, we will clean the area and keep an eye on it, to then let you know when you come to collect your pet. 

If we find any lumps, bumps or anything we do not feel is normal for the animal we may call you to confirm you were aware. 

We do ask that you state anything abnormal on your boarding account and let the staff know if there are any changes each time you come in. 

What may be normal for your pet may not be normal for us, so anything you think we may need to know – please let us know. 

We don’t want to have to call you unnecessarily while you are away, so please let us know of anything we may need to know to help us avoid this. 

Animal Evacuation Procedure/Plan In Case Of Fire Or Emergency   

This plan must only be implemented by a minimum of two staff (preferably more), only after the fire service has been called and all people are accounted for. 

The volunteer sign in form must be checked for any people who have arrived or left without announcing themselves by radio. 




Infection Control (including isolation) Policy 



It is the policy of Windway Kennels to operate a system which limits the spread of infectious and contagious disease as far as possible. 

Boarding animals 

Once isolated the owner must be contacted for permission to consult the vet and the vet’s advice must be followed regarding handling/ treatment. 

Separate bowls and washing facilities may be used where necessary and handling by a dedicated staff member can also be arranged. 

Kennel Cleaning Procedure  

Every day while the dog is out of the kennel being exercised. 

Empty water bowl, check bed and bedding and any toys or similar items, make sure condition is suitable for it to remain in the kennel with the dog. 

Remove any faeces from the kennel and run and then disinfect the floor areas of both thoroughly. 

Replace water bowl then fill with fresh water. 

Any recent food may be left in with the dog if that is appropriate. Other food bowls removed are washed with detergent in hot water. 

Lightly soiled bedding is to be saved for washing. Heavily soiled/damaged bedding is to be thrown away unless owners specify otherwise, in which case it is to be kept for them to take when they collect the dog. 

At the end of the session the passageways should be brushed and then disinfected, along with the outside open drainage runs. 

After one week of occupancy or when the animal goes home (whichever happens first) the kennel will be given a deep clean, including disinfecting walls and doors. 

Privacy Notice


We are committed to respecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe. 

This privacy notice tells you what to expect when we collect your personal information. 

Ways we may use your information 

We want you to feel confident about your information and how we use it and we can reassure you that we do not rent, swap or sell your personal information to any other organisations. 

Our contact details  

Name: Windyway Kennels 

Address: Windyway Head Farm, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 0AP 

Phone Number: 01625 422246 

E-mail: windywaykennels@gmail.com 


How we get the personal information and why we have it 

The personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:  



We obtain this information in a number of ways: verbally face to face or over the telephone, by email or by requesting you to complete an electronic form using GDPR compliant software. 

Rehoming an animal from us 


When you apply to rehome an animal from us, we may need to share personal information such as your name, address and telephone number, to enable a pre-adoption home visit. 



The type of personal information we may collect will include: 



Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:  

(a) Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting: windywaykennels@gmail.com  

(b) We have a contractual obligation. 

(c) We have a legal obligation. 

(d) We have a vital interest. 

(e) We need it to perform a public task. 

(f) We have a legitimate interest. 





How we store your personal information  

Your information is securely stored at Windyway Kennels, physically in locked cupboards, electronic data is kept password protected and backed up regularly.  Paper documents are disposed of securely by shredding. 

How long we keep your personal data for 

We retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes(s) for which it was provided. What this means in practice will vary between different types of data. When determining the relevant retention periods, we take into account factors including: 

Otherwise, we securely erase your personal data from our systems when it is no longer needed. 

Access to your information 

Under GDPR you have several rights to request access to your personal data that we store. You have the following rights: 

Right to access 

You have the right to request access to your personal data to verify the lawfulness of the processing. 

Right to rectification 

You have the right to request inaccurate personal data rectified or completed if it is incomplete. 

Right to Erasure or ‘Right to be forgotten’ 

You have the right to request that personal data is erased. 

Right to restrict processing 

You have the right to request that your personal data is stored but not processed 

Right to data Portability 

The right to data portability gives you the right to receive personal data you have provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. 

Right to Object 

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data 

If you would like to request access to your data or simply want to let us know when your details have changed then you can contact us in the following ways: 

call us on 01625 422246 

email: windywaykennels@gmail.com  

write to: Mr Don Dawber, Windyway Kennels Ltd, Windyway Head Farm, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield SK11 0AP 

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. 


How to complain 

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at Windyway Head Farm, Buxton Old Road, Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 0AP 

Phone Number: 01625 422246 

E-mail: windywaykennels@gmail.com 

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. 

The ICO’s address: 

Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House 

Water Lane 



SK9 5AF 


Helpline number: 0303 123 1113 

ICO website: https://www.ico.org.uk 

In the Event of the Death of an Animal 

The owners must be contacted as soon as possible.  

Wearing protective clothing and gloves, the body must be covered and wrapped in a body bag (located in the boarding kennels safe) and placed away from any other animal in a cool area until transport to a vet for storage could be arranged.  

If the death was sudden and unexpected a post mortem may be required. If necessary, samples of excreta, soiled bedding etc. could be collected for later analysis. Photographs of the body and kennel may be appropriate. 

As soon as appropriate the kennel must be thoroughly disinfected wearing protective clothing. If infectious disease is suspected then veterinary advice must be sought as to how to proceed with protecting the remaining animals health. 

This will be carried out by a senior member of staff.

Staff Training Policy

All staff at Windyway Kennels complete ongoing training to ensure they provide the best care for the animals and are encouraged to further their education by means of courses at our expense. 

Ongoing professional development and training events are attended, including animal first aid, animal behaviour, dog walking, GDPR, Manual Handling, Policies & Procedures and software training. These are done by means of training events or online meetings or courses. 

Quarterly staff meetings are held either face to face or by video conferencing, more regular if required. 

All staff take part in informal 1:1 and group meetings to identify any gaps or refreshers required in training, and to share information. 

New staff undergo a recorded induction process to ensure all training areas are covered. 

Staff will undergo regular fire drills in order to keep up their knowledge of what to do in the event of a fire. 

All staff are 1st Aid trained. 

In the Case of An Escaped Animal

All staff must be notified as soon as possible. 

Notify owners and/or emergency contacts.   

Notify local vets and police/warden. 

Where appropriate a search party to be gathered acting on latest relevant sightings or to enquire at local properties.  

As appropriate, flyers could be prepared and distributed in the relevant area. 

If owners wish, social media alerts to be posted. 

Prepare a trap if appropriate, if the animal is staying in one place but unapproachable. This would be regularly monitored to prevent the animals being in the trap for a long period. 

Enticements such as own bedding, toys, treats or favourite food may also prove effective. 

Family members/familiar people to the animal may be of assistance in the case of a very nervous animal.  Where the animal has a partner in the kennels, if prudent, it may be useful to take the animal on the searches

Transportation Policy

While any animals are boarding at Windyway, they will not be taken off site unless they need veterinary attention. 

This transportation will usually be done by a member of the management team. 

Dogs will be transported in secure crates which are secured in the back of a car. 

The appropriate staff will help to load and unload the animals from the car and if necessary, more than one staff member will travel with the animals. 

All dogs will stay on lead while on the premises unless they are being let off lead in one of the secure compounds. 

The crates and any bedding will then be disinfected and cleaned after every trip. 

Collection and delivery services are available which also follow these guidelines.  There is a charge for this service.